Monday, November 16, 2009

Good Morning Baltimore!!

So I'm in class this morning pretending to take Word is locked up for right now! I clicked the wrong thing when I booted up my new computer. I clicked that I already had the product key to install it. So it only gave me a certain amount of tries until it just wouldn't let me anymore. I'm going home next weekend to get it, so here I am!

It's supposed to rain later today. I like the rain, it's soothing! It's especially soothing when you take a nap during a rain storm! (one of my loves!) So we'll see what happens as soon as I get out of class and get back to my bed! I sleep all day!!

So I've still been thinking about the context of my blog last night. If I had certain recourses and the ability to make these choices then I think that I definitely think I would be choosing another path! That worries me just a little, but I can't kid myself anymore! Fortunately or unfortunately... I don't have those recourses so I'm stuck with the path I am on right now...

I can't wait until I can graduate! Only 8 months left! I get to "fake walk" in May. So my ceremony will be a sham! But I will take it as how it is, they warned me not to let it get that way! But lucky me gets to take a summer school class as my final class and it will be the GLORIOUS Biology II (can you sense the sarcasm in that?) This makes me really nervous, I'm not that good with the whole science thing and if I don't pass this class then I will not get my A. diploma and B. degree!!

I can't decide what to do after I graduate. My choices are 1. UT Chattanooga, 2. UT Knoxville, 3. UT @ Selmer, or 4. Take a year off. Right now I'm leaning more towards number four, just because I need a break from 13 or so years of school!! I do plan on going to Grad. School though. I really wanna go to Knox because I have friends there from high school as opposed to Chatt where I don't know anyone there and will have to drive far to be able to see them. My mom really doesn't want me to go to Knox because of some mistakes my brother made during his short time in college. Try as I might, I still haven't convinced her that I will not turn out the way my brother did!

Well I guess that's it for me this morning bloggers! Class is almost over so I will be heading home to take me a nap that may last the rest of the day!!! Till next time!

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