Saturday, November 14, 2009

Boldly going...

So... I decided to create a blog because I have this desire to write for some reason and to have people read it (if anyone does). And for those of you that read me on Livejournal and think that I will abandon this...who knows, we'll see! I will tell you right now that A. I am not the best speller in the world and B. I'm not a Thesaurus, so I will not be using big fancy words unless I know them!! haha

The last few months have been interesting for me... I have experienced many new things that I never thought that I would experience!! Some good and some bad, but the life lessons that I gained from them I can not put a price on. I wonder if those same life experiences would have been bestowed on me if I had not had to go through these events.

In other news! I watched "The Proposal" tonight with Sandra Bullock and what's-his-face...and it was actually a good movie! I wasn't sure about it, but it was a really nice movie. 1. Sandra Bullock in a pantsuit= HOT! 2. Betty White is HILARIOUS!
I also like the movie "Up!" It's a really sweet movie with a good message in it! If you haven't seen it, go RIGHT NOW and rent it, it's at the Redbox! Even though it's a cartoon doesn't mean it can't be good. I heard someone say, one day, "Why can't a children's movie have depth and meaning? Why does it always have to be crude violence and fart jokes?" I agree!

Well folks, I think that's about all for me tonight! I really hope to keep this up to date...maybe not daily, but who knows, maybe the rest of my life will be interesting enough to tell all of the internet world about!

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