Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Following the Bouncing Ball!

So here I am again in class, blogging, pretending to be taking notes! I know, I know! I"m going home this weekend and getting that Word disk! That doesn't mean that I still won't be on Facebook or anything! Haha

I went the the basketball game last night. This is not an everyday thing for me...I'm not that much of a sports fan! My old motto, when someone asks me what team I'm for I respond, "Whichever one wins!" I watched the men's game and I guess that since I began it then I was more into it rather than coming into it halfway through! I found myself legitly cheering for them! There were a few funny moments that happened! One of our guys went up for a rebound and his pants fell DOWN! "I see London, I see France, I see his red underpants!" I had a good laugh on that one! Another funny part was another one of our guys was dribbling and trying to look for a way to pass the ball, so he simply bounced it through the other guys legs!! Another thing about the basketball games is that I can't take them seriously when they are trained to fake being pushed or something in order to gain points! That's just something I don't understand!

Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Break are just around the corner. Friday can NOT get here soon enough!!! I think I could sleep for a week! I can't wait just to see all of my family again we have a love/hate relationship....we love to hate each other sometimes! haha

Ummm.... I really can't think of anything else to blog about, so I'm gonna leave it at that! I'll blog later! Till next time!

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